What people are saying.

  • "Erika worked as supply chain project manager in Eurotech. In charge of lean manufacturing methods implementation in our production, she succeeded well above our expectations. Showing amazing capacity of adaptation, thanks to strong listening and fast learning abilities, Erika implemented in a very short time, all necessary changes in the organization. She had a lasting impact on concerned people, who still adhere to her principles, well after she left. Expertise with enthusiasm, incredible power of persuasion served by smart communication, Erika possesses all the qualities of a great consultant in supply chain."

    — Benoit Rondard, Managing Director, Eurotech FZCO, Dubai

  • “Erika has been nothing but an absolute pleasure to work with for various reasons. On a professional level she has demonstrated her full commitment and loyalty not only to the project and strategy we were working towards and resulted in delivering outstanding business results but as a colleague supporting me as her line manager in every aspect. The trust and work ethic she brought to work everyday was an example to the team she led. Erika has an incredible mind and a deep understanding of how to build and execute Buisness strategies when given the vision and goal desired. She has demonstrated strong leadership through upskilling her team as a mentor and coach to reach their full potential. On a personal note, Erika is extremely trust worthy and professional. She leads with empathy and structure demonstrating social leadership. But never compromises on her personal values or integrity which wins the trust and loyalty of the people she works with across all levels.”

    — Jackie Murphy, Senior Manager, Apple, Dubai

  • “Le raisonnement de Erika est une de ses marques de fabrique. Elle s’approprie une mission et la débute en recherchant son périmètre afin de visualiser les impacts sur les autres entités et donc de comprendre les interactions. Une fois le périmètre établi, Erika creuse le sujet de la mission et est force de propositions pour atteindre les objectifs. Il y a une volonté de ne rien laisser au hasard pour étudier le problème dans sa globalité. Erika se caractérise aussi par une très grande autonomie et une excellente finesse intellectuelle, ce qui rend le travail très fluide. Sa force de caractère, sa capacité à se remettre en question et à accepter les différents points de vue lui permettent de surmonter les difficultés. En résumé, Erika a réalisé un excellent travail, en autonomie et en proposant des solutions innovantes.”

    - Jeff Debret, Direction Sécurité Axe TGV SE, SNCF, France